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ice control中文是什么意思

用"ice control"造句"ice control"怎么读"ice control" in a sentence


  • 冰流控制
  • 防冰措施
  • 防冰控制


  • During the rebuilding two sets of ice ( 15216 # / 14099 # ) , used double twist line to connect two sets ice controllers , used the protocol of 《 saej1587 , saej1708 》 issued by us motor association 。 achieved data inter change and control . at the same time the operation method remains , optimized the ice control . after interlink technique used , the two ice can processing failure checking and alarming , the motor can be operated with steeples speed control , automatic motor running , closed loop stabilization speed control , optimized equipments resources
    在对两台机车( 15216 # / 14099 # )的改造中,使用计算机双绞线通讯技术连接两台内燃机车的控制器,并采用“美国汽车工业协会《 saej1587 , saej1708 》标准的通讯协议” ,实现了双机数据交换及控制,使机车重联获得成功。
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